Part 2, Kubuleti, Georgia
The group of people from Georgia🇬🇪, Jordan🇯🇴, Ukraine🇺🇦, Germany🇩🇪, Poland🇵🇱, Bulgaria🇧🇬, Latvia🇱🇻 and Cyprus🇨🇾 participated in youth exchange Erasmus + with the topic related to the violations of human rights, activism, youth participation.
During those 10 days young people took part in different Workshops, where as a tool were used simulation games, forum theatre, presentation, group discussion, and others. There was very important simulation games to be active in solving local issues in the community, where everyone got a role and tried to share own opinion and promote it during debates. So participants developed their debating skills, creative thinking, communication skills and leadership which are very crucial in the society life and personal careers.
Participants also exchanged traditions about the different cultures in cultural nights.📝 As city Kubuleti is situated at the Black Sea, in freetime youth had opportunity to go swim, exchange their thoughts about life challenges, or just have fun and play volleyball.🏐🌊
As some of them already met in Germany, during first part they started to get to know each other better and build stronger relations, make a good international connection even more. 🛐
We are waiting for the 3 part in Cyprus and hope it will be amazing as the first two parts 🇨🇾🤍