At the 7th Frankfurt-Słubice Education Forum, held on October 10th, 2024, at the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice, pewobe g GmbH actively promoted opportunities in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC),
Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD) and the Freiwilliges Europäisches Jahr (FEJ). Our team participated in the “Markt der Möglichkeiten,” engaging directly with educators, cultural professionals and the public. We showcased the various ways young people can participate in meaningful cultural and social projects through ESC, BFD and FEJ, emphasizing the personal and professional growth these programs offer.
This year’s forum focused on the theme of “Cultural Education,” and we attended various insightful workshops aligned with this topic. We gained valuable perspectives from guests representing the Finnish-Swedish double city Tornio-Haparanda on building a happy society and Robert Behrendt’s talk on the future of artificial intelligence in education. Additionally, we participated in workshops such as “TikTok Lab: AI on Social Media Platforms” and “Gut vernetzt?! Kulturelle Bildung in der Doppelstadt,” reflecting our commitment to staying current with trends in education and cultural development. These discussions further informed our promotion of the ESC, BFD and FEJ programs, connecting them to the larger context of cultural and social engagement.
Through informational materials, one-on-one conversations and interactive discussions, we highlighted how these programs contribute to cultural education and community service in the double city of Frankfurt-Słubice and beyond. Our goal was to inspire educators to incorporate these opportunities into their guidance for students, while also building cross-border collaboration in the realm of cultural education.