Past Activites

01.06.2022 Participation in the Children’s Day in the Magistrale in Frankfurt (Oder)

01.06.2022 Participation in the Children’s Day in the Magistrale in Frankfurt (Oder) in cooperation with other partners and in preparation and as a prelude to the action “With music across the bridge” as a German-Polish offer

Past Activites

20.05. – 29.05.2022 Implementation of the multinational youth exchange “Recycling, Resuing, Reducing – Let’s help the earth together”

20.05. – 29.05.2022 Implementation of the multinational youth exchange “Recycling, Resuing, Reducing – Let’s help the earth together” in Poland with young people from Germany and Poland funded by Erasmus+ on the initiative of the local youth group

Past Activites

19.05.2022 Realisation of the joint German-Polish discussion event

19.05.2022 Realisation of the joint German-Polish discussion event and workshop on “Partnerships in Uncertain Times” on how to deal with the challenges facing the partner cities Witebsk, Belarus and Shostka, Ukraine organised by Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice in partnership with the city and the university, funded by DPJW

Past Activites

09.05. – 18.05.2022 Implementation of the youth exchange “Think Global, Act Local – Art 4 Eco-Solidarity” in Poland

09.05. – 18.05.2022 Implementation of the youth exchange “Think Global, Act Local – Art 4 Eco-Solidarity” in Poland with young people from Germany, Poland and Georgia, funded by Erasmus+. Cooperation within the project with the Polish partner Semper Avanti.

Past Activites

29.04.2022 Ukrainian evening for German and Polish guests

29.04.2022 Ukrainian evening for German and Polish guests by the accepted members of the partner organisation from Sumy, Ukraine

Past Activites

Don’t be afraid to speak up!

Between 08.04.-14.04.2022 we had the pleasure to implement the Polish-German project called “Don’t be afraid to speak up!” founded by DPJW/ PNWM. Young people from both countries met to broaden their knowledge on active participation, on a local and European level. Participants conducted a survey among border residents in order to adapt their voluntary activities to the inhibitans needs in the future. In addition to finding new ideas and designing their own project, members also had the opportunity to gain more self-confidence in a foreign language through various creative workshops, activities and cultural evenings. Young people also spend time in Berlin , where they visited the Bundestag, the Topography of Terror Museum and Checkpoint Charlie.

Past Activites

01.04. – 03.04.2022 Joint workshop weekend in Berlin with young people and seniors from Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice as well as Cybinka

01.04. – 03.04.2022 Joint workshop weekend in Berlin with young people and seniors from Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice as well as Cybinka as part of the project “Youth for Seniors” as a joint kick-off with content on history as well as political education

Past Activites

18.03. – 26.03.2022 Implementation of the youth exchange “Think Global, Act Local – Art 4 Eco-Solidarity” in Georgia

18.03. – 26.03.2022 Implementation of the youth exchange “Think Global, Act Local – Art 4 Eco-Solidarity” in Georgia with young people from Germany, Poland and Georgia, funded by Erasmus+. Cooperation within the project with the Polish partner Semper Avanti

Past Activites

14.03.2022 Start of hosting members of the Ukrainian partner organisation from Sumy, Ukraine

14.03.2022 Start of hosting members of the Ukrainian partner organisation from Sumy, Ukraine

Past Activites

04 – 05.03.2022 Preparatory meeting for the project “Don’t be afraid to speak up”.

04 – 05.03.2022 Preparatory meeting with the leadership team for the meeting “Don’t be afraid to speak up”.